
The Element of Friendship in MahaBharatham


Image Source: Mantelligence

    The bond of friendship is very important in our life. Trust gives us a lot of courage. No matter how hard our life is, it's a blessing to have a friend who stands with us. There's a saying in a movie "Your character is defined by the type of people you are friends with". The friendship in this Kali-Yuga is very different from the friendships in the previous three eras. But at any age the association with a friend is said to be the greatest. It is the Friendship that makes our youth better and worse because of those friendships.

            Have you ever wondered what friendship is??

    The Hindu ancient book Mahabharatha tells that friendships are of three types. We do not have the opportunity to choose our parents, but we do have the opportunity to choose our friends. So it is up to you how to choose your friend. The characters in Mahabharatha illustrate all three kinds of friendship. Let's get started!!!!

  • Viphala Sneham: 
            Dronacharya and Drupada

                    Dronacharya Image Source: Knowtify India

Drupada Image Source: Quora

     Dhronacharya (The teacher of Pandavas and Kauravas) and Drupada(Father of Droupadi) are both students of Maharshi Bharadwaj. They were very friendly as long as they were in that gurukul. While happily studying, Drupada said to Dronacharya, "My Friend Drona! When I become king one day, half of my kingdom is yours". Drupada swears about it. Dronacharya was very happy about it & after a while, they finished their education and went their separate ways.

        Drupada ruled over his kingdom of Panchala. But Dronacharya continues his life in extreme poverty. When Dronacharya's son (Ashwatthama) was born, he was in such poverty that he was unable to feed his son with milk. He remembered the words of his friend Drona. He then goes to Panchala and then asks for two cows as help. Drupada replies with utmost arrogance "Ori Brahmana! Who are you? How am I friends with you? Kings are always friends with kings and not with Brahmins." He insulted and kicked him out. So to avenge that humiliation, Dronacharya trains the Kauravas and Pandavas & as Gurudakshina he asks them to capture Drupada. Thus began the war between Arjuna, Bhima and Drupada's army.

    So Drupada also performs a yagna to avenge his humiliation and asks for a son as a return from the yagna. He then asks the son to kill Dronachary. Thus Draushtadyumna is born and Draupadi is born from the same Yajna as he also asks for a daughter to make Arjuna his son-in-law.  This is how the entire story of Mahabharatha unfolds.

        In a perspective, it can be said that the reason for the war of Kurukshetra is their friendship. This is a failed friendship. A great war would not have taken place if Drupada had given the two cows he asked for that day. One should never forget his/her friends. There's a saying " Never give away your promises when you're happy and never take decisions when you're angry".

  • Saphala-Sneham:
    Duryodhana and Karna

    Duryodhana Image Source: 9 Degrees Blogspot
Karna Image Source: Dharma Today

            It's an irony that  Duryodhana, one of the most hated characters in Mahabharatha and Karna, one of the most loved characters are an example of true and loyal friendship. But how did the two of them ever become friends??  Dronacharya held a demonstration competition, Kauravas confronted Pandavas after their education. At that time Karna comes front and challenges Arjuna. Dronacharya said that Karna was not eligible to participate in the competition as he was the son of a Sudra. Then Duryodhana immediately made Karna the king of the Anga kingdom with the help of his father Dhritarashtra. For this Karna was ready to give his life for Duryodhana. This is the story everyone knows.

        We know that he made Karna his friend to confront Arjuna. But  many of us say that Duryodhana did so for Duryodhana's selfishness.  There was an incident to tell how great their friendship was.

        When the Pandavas went into exile, Bhanumathi, the wife of Duryodhana and her maid were playing gambling in their palace. At the same time, Karna came there to meet Duryodhana. Bhanumathi said "Duryodhana went out for a walk, sit there, he'll be back in a while", and Karna sat down on a chair. The gambling was very interesting. Karna watches the game and plays on the side of the maid. The maid had some work to do and left. Bhanumati and Karna were both deeply involved in that game. When Duryodhana arrives from the gate behind Karna, Bhanumathi stood up in terror and leaves. Karna grabbed Bhanumati's waist belt with his hand to stop her. With that, the belt that she was wearing fell off and all its beads fell down. With that, Bhanumathi kept her head down. Karna also stood up realizing his mistake. Duryodhana picked up the beads lying there and said to Bhanumathi, "Bhanumathi! Forgive my friend. I apologize on his behalf. You sit down again and play the game."

        Thus Karna's respect for Duryodhana increased even more. Bhanumathi, who thought that her husband was very cruel, was very surprised to see all this. Here we know his faith in his friend Karna. We, on the other hand forget the friendship even for teeny tiny misunderstandings. Their friendship sets us all an example. But their friendship led to a great war.  Duryodhana went on to fight Kurukshetra just because he has Karna on his side. This friendship is not a friendship that has given a good result. Thus the name Safala-Sneham. Meaning, this friendship didn't make any good for the society or for their country.

  • Suphala-Sneham:

    Krishna and Arjuna

Image Source: Quora

Everyone knows about their friendship. It can be said that the two are better friends than cousins. The result of their friendship is the Bhagavad Gita, which we consider to be very sacred today. Krishna led Arjuna to victory. Krishna, who made the victory of his friend, often saved Arjuna's life in battle.

        Before the battle, Duryodhana and Arjuna came to Krishna's temple to ask for help in the battle but Krishna was asleep in his room. First, Duryodhana entered the room and was sitting in the chair near Krishna's head and later Arjuna came to the room and sat at Krishna's feet. Krishna woke up and saw Arjuna so he first gave Arjuna a chance to ask what he wanted. But Krishna makes a condition that he will keep all his Narayana army on one side and himself on the other, but he will not fight and will not take up any weapon. Then Arjuna wants Krishna to be his guardian, so Duryodhana happily left. Arjuna chose his friend over an army. His faith in Krishna and the courage given by Krishna brought him success.

        But there was a situation where these friends fought with each other. It's called the battle of "Krishnarjuna Yudh" (Click to read the story). Their battle took place before Kurukshetra. But the war gives us a moral that "No matter how angry or frustrated our friend maybe, we need to support each other when a friend is in danger".
"A friend in need is a friend indeed !!"

Also, this friendship teaches us many things. This is called a successful friendship. It was their friendship that won the Battle of Kurukshetra and we have the Bhagavad Gita which gives us the confidence we need for many things.
            We can have many friends in our life. Some sit right next to us, making jokes, swearing, hitting, screaming. But they are the ones who pat us on the shoulder when needed & stays with us no matter how hard it is.

Well, let's wrap it up by saying All the best to every friend out there.

Thanks for reading!!
-Bharatha Samhitha

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