
The battle of Krishna and Arjun - Krishna Vs Arjun


Image Source: Mythgyaan

     Most of you might wonder about this. Well, this is one of the many unknown/less heard stories of Hindu Mythology. This story isn't mentioned by Vyasa in The Mahabharatha. It's written by a Telugu scholar named 'Lakshmi Narasimham' as a play named 'Gayopakhyanam'.
    One day Krishna was doing Sandhya-Vandhanam & he's holding some water in his hands. A Gandharva named 'Gaya' was flying in the same region and he was chewing some leaves as he passes by. He unintentionally spits the leaves right into Krishna's hands. This made Krishna angry. He was in a rage and wanted to kill Gaya. This, in turn, made the Gandharva terrified and he goes to Narada and shares the incident with him & asks for help. Narada advises him to go to Arjuna for help.

    Gaya immediately goes to Arjuna seeking for help and confesses the entire story. Arjuna promised to save his life. The two go together to Krishna. But Krishna was in no position to listen to what Arjuna said and wanted to kill Gaya. Both of them try to convince each other Krishna saying that Gaya interrupted his prayer, on the other hand, Arjuna says that he made a promise to save his life and urges Krishna to spare Gaya's life. Unfortunately things didn't end up so good and they prepare to fight.

     A fierce battle ensued between them. Krishna became very angry and immediately launched his weapon Sudarshana Chakra towards Arjuna. To that, Arjuna applies the Pashupatastra he had acquired earlier. When the two face each other, great destruction ensues. Then Lord Shiva appears & asks them to stop the madness. The two withdrew their weapons & when told that all this had been done to test how far they would adhere to what they believed and it was a test for both of them.

    We face a lot of difficulties in our life. We must make a firm stand on what we believe even in those hardships. Difficulties are one and the same thing. What seemed good to us might be bad to someone. What seemed bad to one can be good for us. In all of this, we must stand on what we believe.

        After that battle, Krishna and Arjuna forgot everything and participated in Kurukshetra. Also, it is a mistake for us to ditch our friends when we have some misunderstandings. Conflicts keep coming and we have to accept them all and move on. People don't appreciate a person in their life when he/she is actually with them. The biggest irony is that we miss the same person when they're far away from us. Learn to live the moment and cherish it. There's a saying in a show called Friends "Boyfriends and Girlfriends come and go... But this(friendship) is for life". Make this phrase come true for each and every friend you have.

        Let’s take good care of everyone around us as long as we can. Let's wrap up all the memories with them and leave this world comfortably. I end up hoping that all of us will take good care of ourselves. 

With this one of our many articles comes to "The-End".
Thanks for reading!!

- Bharatha Samhitham

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