
The only Kaurava Survivor


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     Most of us are either enraged or disgusted whenever we hear the term "Kauravas" & it goes without a saying that 'Duryodhana' is the most hated of them all. Everyone thinks that all of the Kauravas were killed by Bhima in the great war of Kurukshetra. But apart from those hundred Kauravas, another Kaurava fought in that battle. His name is "Yuyutsu". Although he participated in Kurukshetra, he did not die. Wanna know his story??? Let's dive in!!!

    Panduraja realizes the curse that has befallen him, sacrifices the kingdom, and he goes into exile. He was accompanied by his wives Kunti and Madri. Knowing that the throne was vacant, Dhritarashtra was appointed king with his wife Gandhari. When the Panduraja was worried that he would not be able to have children due to the curse, Kunti came and told him about the blessing she had. Kunti prayed to the Yamadharmaraja and a son was born to them. The son's name is Yudhishthira.

    The news reaches Hastinapur. Gandhari had already been pregnant for more than a year & Dhritarashtra was angry that  Panduraju has a son and he doesn't have any. Gandhari's maid was called by Dhritarashtra to his harem. Yuyutsu was born to that maid & Dhritarashtra.

    As a child, Yuyutsu learned all the fighting techniques and became virtuous. Yuyutsu was born along with Duryodhana. But Duryodhana influenced the rest 99 brothers to avoid Yuutsu as he is the son of a maid, so they never cared about Yuyutsu. For that Yuyutsu became a partisan of the Pandavas.

    When Dusyasana dragged Draupadi into the Great hall, holding her hair, Yuyutsu warned them not to do so. "A bastard has no right to tell us what to do" said Duryodhana. Feeling outrageously insulted, Yuyutsu left the hall.

    Before the battle began on the first day of Kurukshetra, Yudhisthira said, "If any of you do not like the side they are, they can go to us or to the other side. I have no objection." That being said, Yuutsu takes his army of tens of thousands and marches towards the Pandavas. Many of those who fought in the Kurukshetra have died. There are very few survivors. Among them was Yuyutsu along with the Pandavas.

    Thus the Pandavas who won the war ruled the kingdom for thirty-six years. They then went to the Himalayas, making Parikshit (son of Abhimanyu and Uttara) as the king of that kingdom and appointing Yuyutsu as chief minister.

    We too may not lead a happy life on the side we are. But make sure that you put an effort in confronting it. Make sure you tell them that it's not good. When that doesn't happen, it's time to dump them and move on. Also sometimes those around us may not value our words. Then make new friends who value you for you who are and where your word is worth it. 

One of the many stories comes to an end!!
Thanks for reading!!!
-Bharatha Samhitham

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