
Multiverse in Ramayana


    Image Source: Medium

    We hear a lot about the multiverse concept in science fiction movies. Humanity is yet to explore many unknown concepts in the universe. Multiverse basically means one of the infinite universes. It is said that there are many earths like ours in which there are people like us. It's beyond our knowledge base to decide if it's true.

    But historians say that these multiverses (parallel worlds) were first described in the Greek philosophy of atomism. In the third year Before Christ, the philosopher Crisippus brought up the subject of these multiverses. Later in 1952 in Dublin, Irwin Schrdinger said, "According to my research, different histories happened at once. They are  not alternatives, but all really happen at once ." Since then many have brought up the subject of these multiverses.

    One thing we fail to notice is that there is a reference in the Ramayana about these multiverses. Well, let's dive into the story!!

    One day while Lord Rama was meditating, it became clear that the time was near for him to go to Vaikuntha. He called Yamadharmaraj because every living creature born on this earth had to die. But Yamadharmaraj told Rama, "Lord! When you were fighting with Ravana, Hanuman was in your chariot and prevented you from hitting the death arrows that were being thrown by Ravana. It's impossible for me to take you back to Vaikuntha in the presence of Hanuman"

    Then Lord Rama said to Yama, "Dharmaraja, do not worry. I'll divert Hanuman to some other task & meanwhile, you can take me."  Yama agrees to this and vanishes. Then Lord Rama pulls out a ring on his hand and drops it underneath. The ring falls into a crack in the ground right there. Immediately Lord Rama calls Hanuman and aks him to bring back the ring as it's very dearest to him.

    To which Hanuman agrees and says "Jai Sri Ram" and transforms into a small form and goes inside that slit. That rift is very deep. After traveling a long distance, Hanuman reaches Nagaloka. There is a big gate to that Nagaloka. A serpent named Vasuki(serpent king) near the gate asked the reason for Hanuman's arrival. Hanuman says, "Sarparaja, I have come for my Rama's ring. His ring has come this way. That is why I have come here." Vasuki takes Hanuman to a place and says, "Hanuma, your Rama's ring is here. Come and see."

    Hanuman was shocked to see the place.  A pile of rings was present all over the place. When Hanuman went closer, he saw all the rings of Rama. Seeing Hanuman looking for the real ring of Lord Rama, to which Vasuki said, "Hanuma, don't worry. These are the rings of Lord Rama." Hanuman shockingly replies, "My lord dropped only one ring and it looks the same as these rings. How is this even possible??".

    Then Vasuki said, "Hanuma, all of these are  Rama's rings. There are many earths in these infinite universes. Lord Rama in those planets is repeating the same action of throwing down the rings. Lord Ram only did this to divert you while he leaves to Vaikuntha" Hanuman is saddened when he is told that.

    Vasuki comforted Hanuman by saying, "Hanuma,  every living creature born must die so that he does not suffer. Rama will never die. Rama is still alive in some world. Rama has no death. There is a war going on in some world. You will always remain his companion & he asks you to fetch his ring."

 When Hanuman came to earth Rama wasn't there. The news came to Hanuman that Lord Rama had gone into the river and never returned. Hanuman couldn't stop his tears &  flew to the Himalayas. So Hanuman stayed there and meditated.

    This theory of multiverses was presented to us way back. But due to the influence of Western countries, our knowledge has been suppressed along with the wealth of our country. Although we are given the theory of multiverses in the Ramayana, we think that it was invented by Westerners. This is our ignorance. 

One of the many stories comes to an end!!

Thanks for reading!!

- Bharata Samhita


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