
A warrior who can end Kurukshetra with three arrows


 Image Source : Detechter

   Yes, what you read is true. There was one warrior who could end the battle of Kurukshetra with just three arrows. His name is "Barbarika". Well, let's dive into the story!!

    Krishna was researching about all the warriors participating in the battle. He concludes that Bhishma could end the battle of Kurukshetra in 20 days, Dronacharya can complete in 25 days, Karna in 24 days, Arjuna in 28 days and Bhima in 30 days. As Krishna reads the list, there is finally a name. He can end the battle of Kurukshetra in one minute. He is Barbarika. Krishna was very keen to meet him & summoned him immediately.

    Krishna called him and asked, "Who are you?" Then the barbarian said, "I am Barbarika. I am the son of Ghatotkacha(Bhima's son). My mother's name is Maurvi. My mother is a devotee of yours." He then bowed to Krishna's feet.

    When Krishna heard the name Maurvi, he remembered his past. Murudu, who was once a friend of Narakasura, created mayhem in the world. That is why Krishna kills him. Maurvi is the younger sister of Murudu. She fights with Krishna to kill Krishna who is the cause of her brother's death. That war will last for many days. With that Krishna prepares to kill her his Sudarshan Chakra. Then Kamakhya Devi appeared there and stopped Krishna. Then she asks Krishna, "Krishna, she is my devotee. I have given her all the blessings of education. So please spare her." Krishna withdraws his Sudarshan Chakra. Also with that Kamakhya Devi tells Maurvi  that  Krishna is the reincarnation of Maha Vishnu." Maurvi fell at the feet of Krishna and became a devotee of Krishna ever since.

    Krishna immediately said  Barbarika "I heard that you can end the war in one minute. How can that be possible for you?" He asked. Then the barber said, "I can do this using these three arrows I received while praying to the Almighty Lord Shiva. As soon as I leave these three arrows, the first arrow remembers my target. The second arrow remembers who my friends are. The third arrow hits my target." he said.

    Krishna thinks Barbarika should be tested and asks him to cut in half all the leaves of a single tree. The Barbarika then closed his eyes and released the arrows, the first arrow remembering target. The second arrow is not needed here because not a single leaf should be left here. The third arrow halves all the leaves on the tree and rotates at Krishna's feet. Then Krishna understood and removed his leg and immediately the arrow cut the leaf in half under Krishna's leg. Seeing this, Krishna understood the whole thing.

    "Whose side are you fighting for?" When Krishna asked, he said, "I will fight towards the weak army." The Pandavas have an army of 7 Akshouhinas(akshouhinas is a count like a crore/ a billion etc) and the Kauravas have an army of 11  Akshouhinis. Initially the pandavas army is the weaker one. So, the arrow kills 6 Akshouhinis of kauravas and now pandavas with 7 Akshouhinis is the stronger one and thus the arrow turns towards pandavas. Eventually, the arrow eliminates everyone in the war from both sides including Lord Krishna. Krishna realizes the fact that this way, Barbarika will be the only survivor.

    Krishna asks him "Barbarika, Your mother is my devotee... do you have the same devotion towards me as your mother does?". Barbarika replies "Yes Krishna, like my mother, I also have immense devotion towards you," And then Krishna asked, "But will you give me a boon?" Barbarika replied "I'll definitely give anything you ask my lord" Then Krishna brings a mirror and puts it in front of him and asks "I need the head of this warrior". He then understands what Krishna is asking and thus prepares himself to cut his headoff. He mentions that he has a last wish that he wants to witness the battle of Kurukshetra. Krishna promises that he places the head on the top of the mountain from where he can see everything that's happening on the battlefield. Barbarika then rejoices and presents his head to Krishna.

   Image Source:  Detechter

    Thus a superhero died. The moral we learn from this story is that no matter how capable we are, we should not get bogged down in anyone’s conflicts. Sometimes we really want to end a conflict but our involvement will make it even worse. If you really want to involve in such a conflict analyse first. Make sure that your involvement solves the conflict and not catalyzes it. Barbarika thought that pandavas army is weaker and thus he fights on their side but he never realized the end result. If it wasn't for Krishna Pandavas might have never won the war & we'll never get an epic Mahabharata.

One of the many stories comes to an end!!
Thanks for reading!!

-Bharatha Samhitham

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